Airbnb, VRBO or short term rental in Asheville NC
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Many areas in Western North Carolina allow short term rentals; however the City of Asheville allows this only with a permit and only where you live in the home.
This is from the Buncombe County Website - note that this is for the CITY limits of Asheville NC
A homestay is use of land that can be permitted in your home if:
You live in a residentially-zoned area
You live in the house or apartment (“dwelling unit”) full-time;
You propose to rent one to two bedrooms; and
You propose to rent out these bedrooms for less than 30 days at a time.
Rental of an entire dwelling unit for less than a month is called a short-term vacation rental (STVR). STVRs are only permitted in the resort zoning district.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a homestay?
The Unified Development Ordinance (Chapter 7 Article XVI Section 7-16-1 Item 9 Homestays) states that a homestay is a private, resident occupied dwelling unit with up to two guest rooms where overnight lodging accommodations are provided to transients for compensation and where the use is subordinate and incidental to the main residential use of the building.
In other words, a homestay occurs when you rent out up to two rooms in the house/apartment that you live in full time to people for time periods of 30 days or less.
The applicant for the homestay permit must be the full-time resident of the house or apartment.
Do I need a permit for a homestay?
Yes. The City issues permits for homestays that must be renewed annually.
What happens after I apply for a homestay permit?
When you submit an application online for a homestay permit, City staff will review your application for completeness and send you an invoice for payment. The invoice can be paid for online or in person at the Development Services Department.
Once you have paid the invoice, City staff will review the application for compliance with the regulations found in the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). City staff will contact you about any issues. City staff will contact you to schedule an inspection of the homestay unit if your application is compliant.
If everything checks out during the inspection, City staff will pass the inspection and hand you your homestay permit.
Does a homestay permit expire?
Yes. Homestay permits are valid for one calendar year.
While it is your responsibility to know when your permit is nearing expiration and renew in a timely manner, City staff will make every effort to notify you by the email address that you provide to remind you.
What if something changes about my homestay?
If you change anything about your homestay permit (such as the bedrooms used), alert the City of Asheville by completing a renewal application. The City will not renew your permit upon submittal, but will update your record accordingly.
If a new individual becomes the resident of the house or apartment and wishes to continue the homestay operation, that person must apply for a new permit.
Can I have a kitchen in my homestay?
No, an area with use of a full kitchen cannot be operated as a homestay. Currently, the UDO defines a kitchen as an area within a structure that is used or designed to be used for the preparation or cooking of food and contains one or more of the following:
Cooking appliances or rough in facilities for such appliances including, but not limited to: ovens, convection ovens, stoves, stove tops, built-in grills or built-in microwave ovens or similar appliances, 240 volt electrical outlets or any gas lines, or
A sink less than 18 inches in depth with a waste line drain 1½ inches or greater in diameter, or
A refrigerator exceeding five cubic feet in capacity or space opening with an electrical outlet that may reasonably be used for a refrigerator exceeding five cubic feet in capacity.
Accordingly, a convenience area for snacks and food storage can be incorporated as long as it doesn't have any of the three elements listed above in it.
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