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19 Ways to Make Your Home Move Less Painful.

Your agent and their team has worked hard to find you a home, help with the lending and inspections, and now the closing date is coming up. What do you need to look out for?

Is your closing date precise? NO!

My Closing Date - is it Certain?

No! I know that is not what you want to hear - however, it's not uncommon for closing dates to get pushed a few days. Here are some common reasons:

  1. The seller has something come up at the last minute; a death in the family, covid, a water pipe bursts...

  2. You or your family have something come up at the last minute - see (1) !

  3. The attorney finds a lien on the property at the last minute - or some other thing like a right of way - basically something where they need a little more time to investigate to protect all parties.

  4. The loan officer is delayed - this may be due to appraisals that are done outside their organization (required since 2011) - we suggest using a local lender where at all possible - here's an example of one we use frequently

  5. You find something on inspections that take longer than expected - repair of septic or other repairs

  6. If you cannot be here our Allstars are very accustomed to doing walk through videos which we do on every listing and often when you are searching for a home - see some here

  7. Work with a mover we trust to be flexible - often the most painful part of a delay. Keep in touch with them immediately on any delays.

ARGGGGHHH oh No - there's been a delay!

A big part of our job as agents, it to remove the arghhhh! There are lots of options - there are so many and we will help you case by case as there is always a way. Allstars are dedicated to helping you do this with as LESS stress as possible. We have a dedicated Move In co-ordinator who handles your transaction (who is a very skilled licensed agent) and they are office based so more able to help you at every stage of your transaction and move. Contact them here if for some reason you don't have their number!

We know that - especially when traveling a long way with pets and children - moving is not something that most of us get excited about.

Our amazing group of individuals we call Allstars are here to help at every step.

How much does moving cost?

When we are 25, many of us use a U-haul and do it ourselves. If you can possibly afford it, get a quote to do the move professionally. This spoken from a woman who tries to do everything herself. The last expedition was a mattress we forgot to give to a mover, that flew off the back of the truck along the short drive. We got lucky. Oops. Don't be unsmart like me - remember all the stuff and call a mover that will move anywhere in the country - or FROM anywhere - we trust TRINITY MOVERS for our moves.

Our moving show is our most popular ever on our weekly radio show (there are over 580 shows) - check Trinity out here or simply give them a call to get a quote. Our last interview with Trinity cautioned that they are picking up a lot of work from customers who are let down at the last minute by the national firms. Call Kyle (828) 707-6110 or email him at

Pack to make life easier on the trip!

Take a couple of totes, and pack:

  1. Paper towels

  2. All purpose spray cleaner

  3. Toilet Paper (if you are British, this means toilet roll, or loo roll or bog roll)

  4. Bottles of water

  5. Bottle of Champers and 2 classes

  6. Knife fork and spoon - metal - for anyone you have

  7. Sturdy paper plates

  8. A dustpan if you have room

  9. Get a sheet of white cardboard and write neatly and tiny on it - all the numbers / moves etc that you will need over this period of a few weeks

  10. Change of clothes, toothbrush, all the stuff you would take on an overnight.

Moving is tiring and the littles make the difference. 18 hours drive later, you excitedly go into your new home - burst in to use the bathroom and unfortunately there is no paper....... Now add spouse, friends, kids, elderly parents, pets to the group....

If you have these few things packed in your car - it really helps ease the pain. That's even if you are hauling the stuff in a truck behind you. Try finding a paper towel when you need it....

Pack your home as soon as you can - even when you are THINKING about moving!

Let's go backwards to what we are 'supposed to do as perfect humans' haha to see if we checked the boxes. If you are like me, you have every intention to be a perfect human, and then remember what would have been a better path after the event.

Purge your closets. This is likely to be where the hardest decisions are for some. Not worn in a year? GONE!

  1. Call the utility companies where you currently live. Spend the hours on the phone going round and round early, to learn the process you need to go through. Do same in the area you are moving to - at Allstar, our

Move In coordinator who handles your transaction will have all those details for you - contact transaction manager here.

  1. That great thing that Aunt Bee bought you at the holidays - or worse your spouse - have you used it? GONE

  2. Set a date for someone (even a friend) to collect stuff to donate. Have a date to work towards. Spoken as one who had 5 months, and was drowning in trash bags and donation piles in a state of overwhelm. Made a good bed for my (then) new puppy, Sophie. Remember, don't do what I did.

There are SO many packing tips - you know most of them already and can google for hours and find books on the process. Check with the moving company what they want you to do - Trinity will pack for you.

The honest truth is to get real and throw as MUCH stuff away as possible. The kids have been promising to get their school stuff for 25 years. Grandma is not in Heaven shooting down thunderbolts because you are finally letting her chipped china go. A home is a BOX where you make MEMORIES. You store the memories in your heart.

If you are selling, note that one of our free programs is a memories video. We capture your memories from your home. Perhaps your children were born, graduated, or got married in your home. Perhaps you built it. Whatever the reason, most homes carry memories, and we understand it's those you are connected to; much more than the 'bricks and mortar'. You don't have to be in front of the camera - it's up to you. Just walk around with us and share your memories, so that you have it captured to share with yourselves, friends and family.

The real pleasure is the relief, lightness and happiness that can flood into your life when you LET IT GO!



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828 333 4483


AllStar Powerhouse, 56 Central Avenue, Suite #202,  Asheville NC, 28801  


Agents interested in joining the AllStarPowerHouse network or starting your own Powerhouse team? 


Each office is owned independently and may offer different programs to those advertised - check with your local office before making a decision.   Patton Property Group LLC DBA AllstarPowerhouse


'Allstar Agents' or agents who are part of the Allstar network are not employed by Patton Property Group or its affiliates. All agents are independent contractors for individual real estate brokerages in their respective states.

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