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Bring your listing to life!


What is a Listing Storyboard?

See an example here


Our Listing Storyboard allows our seller to engage with their own listing and share why they fell in love with the home, where they love to eat, and where they love to shop and everything else about the city and neighborhood that they live in. Imagine being able to share the property listing with family and friends and the ability for their family and friends to interact with the Listing Storyboard. The Walking Tour Video is the icing on the cake, such a great way to bring a home listing to life. 


The Listing Storyboard will allow your home to Compete

Most people search for their home online. They are asking their agent to show them many different homes, and they have been comparing homes using postage stamp pictures and agent blurb, that can tend to meld into one another. Once a purchaser finds the listing storyboard on a home they are interested in, watches the video and reads the story and comments - your home becomes top of the list!


Does your agent offer the Listing Storyboard?

The listing Storyboard was created by Rowena Patton of Patton and Lee, and she teaches the approach around the country. Use our contact form to learn if an agent in your neck of the woods offers this program.


Are you an agent offering the Listing Storyboard?

Creator of the Listing Storyboard, Rowena offers coaching on creating the storyboard. 


See an example of a Listing Storyboard to the below, which you can also see live here.








FSBO - For Sale By Owner


Are you selling your home by yourself? Add the listing storyboard without the walking tour video for $300


Add the walking tour video for $250


Seller Listing with AllStarPowerHouse 

If you choose our CPO program, the Listing Storyboard is part of your package.


Listing Storyboard

Contact us 

828 333 4483


AllStar Powerhouse, 56 Central Avenue, Suite #202,  Asheville NC, 28801  


Agents interested in joining the AllStarPowerHouse network or starting your own Powerhouse team? 


Each office is owned independently and may offer different programs to those advertised - check with your local office before making a decision.   Patton Property Group LLC DBA AllstarPowerhouse


'Allstar Agents' or agents who are part of the Allstar network are not employed by Patton Property Group or its affiliates. All agents are independent contractors for individual real estate brokerages in their respective states.

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