AllStarCertified Network
E x c l u s i v e t o o n e a g e n t p e r m a r k e t

Team members find their Unique Value Proposition, Boomtown set up for success with routing and messages, Social plan and messages established for a 'post a day' with funnels to filter leads into your company. Includes 4-week group coaching programs after face to face day/s with Ro. Expenses additional.
Program 1) Figure out your team's Unique Value Proposition and build into your branding, hiring, and retention. Program 2) Set up Boomtown Sharktank, your process for new leads, and all categories of leads, follow up protocol, setting up your systems for success, use BT for marketing
1) CPO membership, limited to 3 per market - use of logo,, group coaching monthly open to your team 2) CPO package plus weekly group or individual coaching 3) Breakthrough real estate coaching
Group, Rainmaker Individual, and/or team coaching - Breakthrough real estate - systems, marketing, retention, accountability
License to use all of AllStar programs at, along with systems, and presentation materials. Programs featured in the best-selling book, 'Find Your Unique Value Proposition'
Individual, group and or team coaching on Breakthrough real estate and/or programs, CPO Expert membership, plus Allstar materials, support and license
Listing Presentation using UVPs
We feature Allstars on our weekly radio show
Presentation binders and scripts included

Read more at - Allstars use this book in Listing Presentations. Script? We wrote the best-seller on selling homes! See all the programs that Allstars are licensed and trained to use at the link above, and on our website at www.AllstarCertified
We wrote the best selling book on selling homes!

We’re expanding Agents' ability to develop their own Unique Value Proposition to dominate their real estate market around the country, through our expansion network. This is becoming even more important at the real estate market shifts. AllstarCertified brings Unique Value Proposition 'in a box' to one team (exclusively) in each.
The beginnings of our UVP can be seen in 2012 in the 'Getting To No' presentation. (See video)
The agents in the network are known as AllStarCertified agents who maintain their own branding and business, while being supported by the programs, systems and large discounts on CRMS, and training through the network. One seat as an 'Allstar' is available exclusively to one team (per Market) to join the AllStarCertified network. Each Team will have access to all Programs featured in the "Find Your Unique Value Proposition, to Dominate Your Real Estate Market" book, as well as enjoy weekly, one-on-one training on how to use the programs, as well as other benefits. No share of commissions is expected, a monthly subscription fee is charged.
AllStar Referral Network:
Leave Agents and staff to work ON instead of IN their business
A huge portfolio of seller/buyer programs that win listings and buyers - a built-in Unique Value Proposition.
If a coaching option is chosen, benefits include:
Systems and protocol set up
Systems and protocol accountability
Listing and buyer appointment/contract accountability for rainmaker and/or team
General real estate coaching
Breakthrough coaching
Boomtown set up and coaching with the team
Presentations for clients are included with membership in the network, as well as training and scripts on how to use them. Social media pages are created for each market, as well as marketing posts to drive traffic. The entire network is marketed to bring in referrals for All-Star agents. AllStar network agents may use Listing and Buyer videos, as well as other videos as they become available, to give an overview to clients before, or during when they meet.
Productivity Trainer
Regional Director
Worldwide Expansion Director
Allstar Network Member (where available - exclusive 1 per Market)
CPOexpert Member (where available - exclusive max 3 per Market)
Register your interest and we will call you
You / your team look like:
Individual who has experience and is ready to take it to the next level with a proven system
Agent / team consistently closing at least $350,000 in volume per month
An existing, high-producing team at 15m+ with a rainmaker who wants to concentrate on building the business or reaching 7th level and particularly needs help with recruiting and training agents
Teams who want training + lead generation + powerful CRM with a dashboard to check progress
Other Benefits
Seller Program website
License to use programs in the best selling book
Leading CRM, set up and training
Leads Leads Leads!
Social Media set up
Documents and systems to use
Training for staff and agents
Use of the logo and network
#1 network for high-level agents - those in the top few % in their market in the US
Training and Accountability Monthly
What it Costs
Agents pay a one-time setup fee, plus a monthly flat fee starting at $50, dependent upon the services required. Register your interest and we will call you.
About the Founder:
Rowena Patton
Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist, and One-Thing Certified Trainer. While at Keller Williams for 11 years, Rowena was a MAPS coach, ESO-Light Certified Trainer, and KW approved Instructor.
Rowena Patton (Keller Williams 2007 Rookie of the Year) coaches experienced agents while leading her own 60m producing team in Asheville, NC and the national network,
Having entered into real estate from an international, board-level role in corporate business, Patton found the ‘old way of doing things’ to be ‘something of a shock to the system.’ Having become perplexed by the way things were done, and through her concern for buyers, sellers and agents alike Patton wrote “Find Your Unique Value Proposition” to better serve everyone involved in the real estate process. Read more at
Getting to NO!

Next Steps?​
Secure the exclusive spot in your market, if it is still available. Or register your interest, confidentially of course.