All of these programs are featured in the best selling real estate book - find out more at www.UVPbook.com

Listing Storyboard™ -
Clients: free - FSBO $399
Bring your home to life with a listing storyboard that shares a video of your home, and an interview with you (not on camera unless you specify) about why you fell in love with your property, where you love to eat, shop etc. Invented by AllStarPowerHouse.
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CPO - Certified Pre-Owned
- Clients: free* service to set up
In old-fashioned real estate, homes go under contract, then most often a re-negotiation happens at the time of inspection, and often again when the home is appraised by the purchaser. CPO puts sellers back in the driver's seat with full knowledge of the property they are selling, and in a better place to make more money and sell faster. Read More

Priority Seller Program™ - Clients: free
Getting ready for your home sale is critical in today's market, and for your first few highest-activity days on the market. We'll set you up with face-to-face or phone appointments with all the right people 30 days before your planned listing date. Read More

SellForFreeBuyNew.com Clients: free
Save thousands of dollars when building or buying a new home with the New Home Trade-in Program if you have a home to sell.
*You save $9,000 on selling a $300,000 home.

Land Package - $299
We are delighted to list your lots and bare land, and support them with a booster marketing package. No more picture of a tree and a sign! Read More

Memories Video
Clients: free, FSBO $299
A memories video is similar to a Walking-tour video - the only difference is that we capture your memories in your home. Perhaps your children were born, graduated, or got married in your home. Perhaps you built it. Whatever the reason, most homes carry memories, and we understand it's those you are connected to much more than the 'bricks and mortar'. You don't have to be in front of the camera - it's up to you. Just walk around with us and share your memories, so that you have it captured to share with yourselves, friends and family. Read More

Love it or Leave it - Clients: free
Allstars offer the longest guarantee for buyers in the market - a 10-year selling discount when selling your home purchased with an Allstar, where available. For the first 6 months it will be sold for free. Life sometimes throws us doozies!
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Coming Soon - Clients:
free - where available without restriction
Sometimes you are not quite ready to get your home on the market. Our coming soon program alerts potential purchasers as well as buyer agents - that your home will soon be listed. Potential purchasers register for information so that we can alert them as soon as your home is live! Read More
Walking tour video - Clients: free - FSBO $299
Walking tour videos bring your listing to life, exploring the neighborhood you live in as well as the key features of your property. This sets your property apart from all the other listings they prospective purchasers are viewing - often from another state. Imagine the difference experience they get. Read More
Radio - Clients: free,
FSBO $100 per month
Radio has changed dramatically - our shows air live on FOX and on IHeartRadio, which listeners can download to their phone, or listen on their computers. Wherever your property is based, it's likely that your potential listeners are listening to one of our AllStarPowerHouse agent shows! Read More

Priority Buyer Program™ - Clients: free
Getting ready for your purchase is critical in today's market. We'll set you up with face-to-face or phone appointments with all the right people 30 days before your planned purchase date. Read More

Social Media - Clients: free, FSBO $100 per month
In 'old fashioned' real estate sales, a sign in the yard was enough. Today, more and more people are joining the online social world every day - people of all ages and demographics, reading / watching / listening to the news, updates on their family and friends, and generally participating in more and more of their daily interactions online. Our engagement strategy, customized to your property, allows you to connect with your buyers - wherever they are. Read More

Lease Option - Clients: free
Why consider a Lease Option?A Lease Option can be a good option when your home is in an area where:
There are not a lot of sales
The real estate market is more difficult than average
You already have a tenant who wants to purchase

Rent Your Home - Clients: free
Have you decided that now is not the time to sell? We can help you get your home rented. Fees? Most often we offer assistance for 10% of the first year's rent. We will:
Advertise your home for rent
Prepare a Listing Storyboard™
Prepare a standard lease agreement
Meet the potential renters at the home
For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Services - free*
We will be happy to put you in touch with our professional Appraisers, Inspectors and Home Warranty companies who are familiar with the CPO program. All of our AllStarPowerHouse agents will provide you will a valuation service - free. Read More

Estate Planning - free*
We have teamed with the finest financial planners and estate planning attorneys to make sure that when you are facing such difficult decisions, you have the facts to make responsible plans to provide for you and your loved ones. Our real estate service is especially helpful in situations where a group of siblings has inherited a home.
Investors - free*
Are you an investor looking for amazing deals on homes in the mountains of Western North Carolina - or other areas around the country?
We work in a network of agents who offer guaranteed sale programs, where they offer to purchase the home after a set period of time.
Register your interest and we will put you in touch with someone in the area where you are looking to invest. Most often they will have a list of homes for you to consider, and can alert you when a guaranteed sale home becomes available.
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Retirement Communities Report - free*
Retirement communities are present all areas of the country. There is a sometimes confusing array of terms depending on the area, ranging from 55+, Age-Qualified Community, Active-Adult Community, Master-Planned Community, Gated Community, Golf Community, Manufactured Home Community, Assisted Living Community. We will provide you with a customized search that identifies the local terms for retirement communities as well as homes available within those communities. When you are ready to 'right-size', let us find your dream home.