AllStarPowerHouse Business Groups:
Offer real estate at a higher level with more value
Have a system that their agents and staff can use, to free them up from every day real estate, and leave them to work ON instead of IN their business
Have a huge portfolio of seller programs that win listings
Benefit from a weekly coaching program
Benefit from systems and processes to handle the seller programs
You or your team look like:
An existing, high-producing team at 20m+ with a rainmaker who wants to concentrate on building the business or reaching 7th level and paticularly needs help coaching new listing agents
Maybe a 'young' team who wants to grow
Teams who want coaching + lead generation + powerful CRM with a dashboard to check progress.
What Next? Email
No need to give up 'ownership' - all rights retained by current rainmaker of team
Seller Program website
Documents and systems to use
Coaching and training for staff and agents
Use of the logo and network
AllStarPowerHouse will be the #1 network for high level agents - those in the top few % in their market in the US